Saturday, January 7, 2012

God uses "insignificant" women - Matthew 1-2

When we read through the genology of Jesus in Matthew chapter one we read the names of key "men" of the household. These men were "significant" men in Israel's history and have a story in and of themselves. However, as we read through the list we see four women who are mentioned. Two the four are not necessarily of "favored" status ... like Mary (one of the four) was. Raheb is mentioned in the genology. She was the harlot that the spies encounter when they spied out Jericho. She hid the spies and then later, when the walls fell, her house (located on that wall) was spared, as was she. Here you have God using a hooker to accomplish His ends. One of the other women was Bethsheba. She committed adultery with King David and David eventually had her husband put in a situation he would surely lose his life. Even though she failed in faithfulness to her husband, God not only uses her in the royal line of Jesus birth but takes time to mention her name. Ruth, of course, was a star in this list; perhaps more than most of the men. She even has a book of the Bible named after her. She is the picture of faithfulness and commitment. A name you would expect to see in this list ... accept, of course, she is a women! The last name, of course, is young virgin Mary. Nothing we know of her signals she should be considered for such a tasks as the birth of the Savior. Yet, God used her. In these four women we see God at work. He uses those others wouldn't and list out those who have the least significance in life. We might skip of reading this list of names. It might read like a phone book. However, God has given us the names of significant people to Him. To others we might be rejected, but to God even those of lesser earthly fame are worthy of His mention and His use. God can use us as well, as we yield to Him.

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