Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Emotions Change - Psalm 6-8

Reading these three Psalms take you through a variety of emotions. In Psalm 6 and 7 we see the writer in sorrow and in burden. He is crying on his bed and is wondering if God will remember him or will be there for him. He feels lonely and deserted. He feels attacked by a friend. He wonders if he has done something wrong to a friend and "if he has" he is willing to pay the consequences for it. He is emotional spent. Then we read Pslam 8. Here are writer is full of praise and see the beauty of God and the strength of God. He is able to reflect on the character of God and to rejoice in what God has done and will still do. We ought to take stock in these Pslams as they play out in our lives. We, too, go through a variety of emotions as the writer here does. We can be up one day and down the next (or, one minute and down the next). God majors on working with us in our variety of emotions. The one continuous theme here, however, is that the writer comes to God with each. When down he turns to God and when up he turns to God. We are not so. We often find ourselves in deep prayer and spiritual ascent when we are depressed. But, when we are victorious we are not nearly found in the presence of God signing His praises. Let's make sure we remember two things as a result of these Psalms: We will go through a variety of emotions in our walk with God and we need to have God at the center of each of the emotions.

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