Saturday, November 5, 2011

Look at life through the lens of God's Word - Acts 11-12

In Acts eleven we have the reaction of the "church" to Peter going to the Gentiles in chapter ten. In that chapter Peter had been directed by the Spirit to a Gentile's house, Cornelius, who was seeking God. The "church" objected to his "mission" trip according to 11:3. Failing to see God's mission in the world or remember Christ's final words, or not realizing the prophets prophecy that salvation would come to the "world" the members of the new "church" failed to accept Peter's actions. There is a lesson there for us all. We often jump to judgement before we search God's Word. God's Word is clear from the very beginning of it. God is in the porcess of saving the world. He sent His son to do so. However, the "Jewish" Christians were attempting to hijack God's plan based upon ethnicity. God was clear throughout Scripture of what His plan was. The first part of chpater eleve is a clear example of what happens when we don't view the events of this world through the lens of God's plans and God's Word. At the end of this section (11:18) we see them accept Peter's explanation, but more importantly God's overall plan. Their willingness to submit to God's Word and God's plan is imperative for the growth of the church. When looking at the events of this world we need to make sure we always see them through the lens of God's Word.

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Standing Tall In A Slouching World - Psalms 24-26

Psalms 24:3-6 (ESV) Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart...