Saturday, November 12, 2011

It is still God's Work via our hands - Acts 13-14

Paul and his associates had the great priviledge of going on the first reported missionary journey. God had set them apart for the task (13:2). This was a "task" that the Spirit of God called "work." And, "work" it was. There was nothing easy about it. If you simply read the logistics of the travel you can get a headache. When we travel today we have modern assitance and we STILL get a headache. They walked and carried their own bags. Do you see why young John Mark left them? (13:13) When they arrived at places they were met with angry mobs. They were run out with stones and even came to the edge of death (14:19-20). Yet, God did a great work among them. God did the work. In 14:3 we read it was God who did the testifying of the power of His Word and the beauty of His grace. In 13:52 it was God who encouraged them and strengthened them. In 14:27 it was God who is reported having done the "work." Man wanted to give praise to the men delivering the message (14:8-18). Some men wanted to grab the power from the people. But, it was God who did the work through the men He called. It was genuine work. There was nothing easy in the schedule they kept or the logistics of it. The audience didn't sit back and soak it in, but rather opposed it more often than not. They didn't know at the end of the "worship service" if they would be smiled upon or stoned. Don't think that our work today is any different. We love it when people leave a service and "like" it. But, in reality work that God does via those He calls is not for fun and for like or dislikes. It is to attack the evilness of this world. God calls us to "work."

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Correlation Is Not Causation - Job 18-19

Job 18:11-15 (ESV) Terrors frighten him on every side, and chase him at his heels. His strength is famished, and calamity is ready for h...