Monday, October 31, 2011

Praying for a friend in sin - Deuteronomy 7-9

All of us have had, at one time or another, someone who disobeyed God and walked contrary to their faith. Believers all know of someone who once went to church with them, who sang praise with them, who served with them, who now walks according to the prince of this world. In these three chapters we hear the story of Moses and his prayer and intercession for his brother Aaron, who lead the nation of Israel away from serving a Holy God. God was angry with Aaron and those people. Moses claims, in chapter nine, to have prayed a prayer of intercession for them; turning back God's anger and wrath. Praying for someone who is a brother or sister and who has walked away from God is probably the hardest prayer to pray. Do you ask God to forgive them and fulfill His promise of "never leaving them or forsaking them?" Or, do you pray that God will fulfill His promise to discipline them? Aaron was Moses' natural brother. How does he pray for his brother? God wants us to pray for His Holiness. God wants us to pray for HIs Word to be fulfilled. God wants us to pray that His "will will be done in earth as it is in heaven." So, when we have a loved one, another brother in the Lord, walking away from God we want to ask God to fulfill His Word and plan in that person's life ... whatever that is. That is a tough prayer to pray but it is the only prayer to pray. "His will be done .. "

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