Friday, August 5, 2011

Teach the difference between the holy and the profane - Ezekiel 43-48

In this last section of Ezekiel we see the real meaning and purpose for the book. The very last section describes the City even further, the city that God will dwell in. The last line of the book says, "The Lord is there." This gives us the key to the book and we can learn how to read it based upon the fact that God is present and revealing Himself to them. In chapter 43 we read that God's solution for their sin is for them to learn about the temple and His presence in the temple. In chapter 44 we are told that the priest had the responsibility to teach the people the difference between the holy and the profane (44:23). Today, the church has the same responsibility. We are to teach each other what is holy for God and what is profane and contrary to God. Satan wants us to see the profane as "holy enough." He wants us to convert the profane in our mind to a little bit of holiness and be comfortable with it. If we can be comfortable with the Lord's name in vain, Satan has done his job. The priest were to make sure the people knew the difference between holy and profane. When the priest refused to do this or simply neglected to do this they allowed the nation of Israel to go astray. God is holy and He is in the church. We can't compromise the holiness of God. We can call it something else but we can't really change it to the profane. We simply try to convert the profane to make it look holy. In our daily walk we have the responsibility to know the difference between the holy and the profane and to choose, through the Spirit's ministry in our life, the way of holiness. We need to discern between the two and not be lost in the profane that has become morally acceptable.

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