Monday, August 8, 2011

The Solution to Credit and Debt Crisis - Leviticus 25-27

With our current credit and debt crisis in government going on you would think someone would turn to God for the answer. Just think of the difficulty God had with His people. A million plus people in the desert having just escaped from slavery under Egypt's rule. How would you care for them? How would you administrate justice for them? Instant population with no infrastructure or system of government. When we read Leviticus we forget that is was God's method of dealing with an entire nation. The laws and procedures were for the purpose of keeping everyone safe and from harm ... from each other! In chapter 25 we read the information about the "sabbatical" year ... the year that the land and the slaves and the family and everyone were to take a break. No work was to be done on the land and not work was to be done by the people. It was a year off. (I can't believe we haven't grabbed hold of this concept in today's society). In the seventh year the land was to get a rest. The sixth year would produce enough food for the sixth, seventh and eight years (this was a matter of faith in God to provide). If that wasn't hard enough, in the 49th year the land would be left alone and then again in the 50th, which was referred to as the year of Jubilee. In the Year of Jubilee not only did the land sit still but property was returned to owners and slaves were set free. If you went poor over the course of the past 49 years you could find relief and obtain land again (under strict guidelines). God's solution for the treatment of the land and the people was based upon the fact that He was their God (25:17). In that verse He tells them, "they are not to wrong one another." This is why we can't practice this in today's litigious society. Capitalism is about getting something from others. In God's system it was about the giving of yourself to others. This is what makes the gospel so strange. God, to redeem HIS people, sent HIS son to pay the price of redemption. You can see the gospel message as far back as Leviticus. God wanted the people of Israel to practice grace and mercy (for the land and for the people). He demonstrated grace and mercy via the gospel but He outlined it in Leviticus. The answer for the debt ceiling is to raise the grace and mercy ceiling. God has a method if we will but apply it to our lives.

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