Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Its not the job in the Lord's house, it's the way it is done - 1 Chronicles 5-9

Once again we have a running list of names and family relationships. When I grew up and we had "family devotions" and we read through the Bible each year, I used to hate these chapters. My dad really believed that "all scripture" was profitable for my training (2 Timothy 3:16). So, we would read through these names. Today I have come to realize the names are important but it is the running commentary that is profitable. In this section we see that God is not as concerned about "what" everyone did in the temple but rather "how" they did it. The nation was taken into captivity for their "unfaithfulness" (5:25-26). However, those mentioned with favor from God in this list are gatekeepers to warriors to rulers ... each of which were faithful to God. God is not big on position but on faithfulness to the position He gives us. I am always worried about "being in full-time ministry," yet God keeps showing me that full-time faithfulness to the ministry He gives me is more important. Let's not worry what position God has us fulifilling in His kingdom but rather that we are faithful to that position - from gatekeeper to warrior to ruler.

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