Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Be just without being judgmental - Psalm 99-101

In Psalm 99 the writer tells us in verse four that the strength of leadership is to love "justice" and "equity." The exact rendering of this verse might be read, "You have established in equity the strength of the King who loves justice" or "judgment" (NASV notes). What we see here is that a leader has a responsibility to make judgments and evaluations but must do so with justice and equity (in fairness and in a righteous manner). To illustrate this point the writer tells us that Moses, Aaron and Samuel all "worked" for God. God was their leader. He spoke to them; they followed His direction; they often asked Him for clearer directions and He answered them. But, it says that they also disobeyed Him and He was the "avenger" of their "evil deeds." So, God, as the Leader, had to practice and evaluation process and had to judge those whom He lead. Yet, in the midst of the leading God was no "judgmental" for it says, "you are a forgiving God to them." God is the perfect leader who loves justice and equity. He can forgive and yet avenge the evil that is done. Our goal, as in Psalm 99, is to balance our responsibility of justice and love; forgiveness and avenging evil. We can see why in 99:9 why we are told to "Exalt the LORD our God ... for Holy is the LORD our God!" He is the perfect leader. In Psalm 101 we see these things being proclaimed by the king. He is making a decision to act out justice and equity. He is evaluating those around him and practicing justice, equity and love. The key to leadership in the evaluation process is to be just without being judgmental.

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