Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why do your kids know your Facebook post and not your love for God? Psalm 78-80

What do you spend time teaching your kids? We have relegated most of the teaching of our children to the college graduate at the local school. There is nothing wrong with that but how much time do we spend teaching our kids about God? In these three Psalms we read several times that we are to train the next generation to trust God and to find their confidence in God (Psalm 78:7). Today, most of our kids know more about our Facebook posts than they do about our daily walk with our God. Where do our kids get their confidence? Where do they find their source of strength? Asaph teaches us in these three Pslams to teach the next generation about the power of God. It is amazing that we will insist on the right education institution for our kids and not worry about their spiritual education. Take time today to teach your kids about God and about HIs power and about how those who reject Him and His great power lose out on blessing and promise. God wants us to teach our youth about God. Let's take time to strategically do so. They won't learn by mistake.

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