Sunday, July 3, 2011

Have you ever worked on Christianity so long you almost died? Philippians 1-2

Epaphroditus in Phillipians 2 is a story of a young man who worked so hard serving Christ through serving Paul that he almost died. Almost died!!! Can you believe that? In that short chapter we have the story of a man who gave of himself (in the midst of others who only thought of themselves ... 2:21; 1:15-18). Epaphroditus apparently worked so hard serving Paul and the mission of Christ that it affected his health. I doubt if any of us have ever worked so hard on anything that it affected our health. But, here we have the story of man who gave of himself to Christ and he almost died. We are to hold men like this in high regard, Paul says (2:29). However, his doctor and friends would tell him to slow down and get some rest. Maybe take a cruise or sit on the beech for awhile so that he can "refresh" himself. Paul tells us to hold this guy in high regard and others like him. Don't get me wrong, I agree we should be careful and do everything to keep our health up and be refreshed, but we have taken that to an extreme. We would much rather slumber than labor. Paul tells us the Epaphroditus was an example to us all. Embrace that thought today.

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