Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fail to ponder, fail to know - Proverbs 5-6

The first nine chapters of Proverbs (and, actually all of Proverbs) is about the contrast between Wisdom and Folly. Both, at times in these chapters, are personified as a women. In chapter 8 we will read of wisdom as a women on the street soliciting passer-bys to turn to her. In chapter 7 we will read of folly as a prostitute doing the same thing on the corner of the street. In our chapters today we see a similar graphic description of folly. In 5:3 and 4 we see the contrast between a person of wisdom, whose "lips" hold onto knowledge and the "lips" of the foolish women (again, an adulterous) who rather than "ponder" her path finds an "unstable" road and doesn't even know it. Those who fail to ponder will fail to even know they are in unstable areas. Wisdom (that which flows from God and is found in Christ ... 1 Corinthians 1:30) is available to those who wish to hold it or or "reserve" it (5:3). But, to those who reject it (reject God and Christ ... Psalm 14:1) also reject safety and security. God will lead those who seek wisdom with discretion and clarity (5:1-2). But, reject it and instability and chaos takes over. Those who seek wisdom are warned to avoid this women of the street (folly) and turn to and trust God to supply their needs. Folly will pretend to supply what we want but only God via wisdom found in Christ can really provide stability and peace. Seek wisdom and avoid folly.

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