Friday, May 27, 2011

Collateral damage - Jeremiah 42-46

Image if you are Pharaoah Hophra, King of Egypt. The remnant of Judah wants to defect to your country to avoid being taking captive by Babylon. Your pride swells within your heart that "others" seek "YOU" as a refuge. Yet, some prophet in the midst of this remnant (Jeremiah) has warned that if the remnant seeks refuge in Egypt their God will destroy you and all your gods. What a dilemma. Pride on the one hand fills your head with visions of grandeur. On the other hand you wonder, "What if this God of theirs is right? Do I really want these people coming into my town?" Jeremiah gives God's message in these chapters and the remnant rejects the message (even after they asked for it). Instead they pack their bags and head for Egypt. As a result, Pharaoh Hophra is going to be taken captive by Babylon (44:30). When God's people disobey God there is collateral damage to the world around them. We think we are alone in our disobedience, but others are affected by it. A father who is running from God will bring calamity onto their children. A wife running from God will bring damage to her husband and children. A business man who cheats God will bring damage to his employees. Disobedience to God brings collateral damage to those around us. Know it ... change your life as a result of it.

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