Saturday, April 2, 2011

Unbelief is contagious - Mark 5-6

In Jesus' home town they could not look pass His past to hear and believe His teaching (6:6). Apparently that wasn't the only place the unbelief surfaced. In 6:52 we read that the disciples also had hard hearts and could not believe, even though they had seen the feeding of the five thousand and actually administrated the miracle. It is hard to believe that family and friends of Jesus were often in the dark when it came to belief. But the case is even true today. Sometimes those closest to ministry simply don't have the faith to believe when the time comes. Those who should know better and should be able to excercise faith in the face of adversity fail to see and believe the strength of God. Those who should see the Creator's power in a plan fail to even lean on faith to get the plan accomplished. We often wear Christian on our sleeve but unbeliever in our hearts. Do we believe God is in control, or not? Do we think that God is sovereign or not? Do we believe that God is all powerful and can fix any hurt or not? Yet, like infant children we whin at the disruption in our lives. Are we not like Jesus' family? Are we not like the disciples of old? Allow God's Word to strengthen your faith and practice belief, even in the midst of the bellowing waves. When Jesus comes walking on the water don't be amazed in unbelief but rather be confident in faith that your rowing will soon be easy.

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