Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How do you handle success? Judges 6-11

Most of us know that when we are failing we can and should turn to God. But, how do we handle success? How do we handle it when God delivers us and gives us what we wanted all along - peace and security? In these chapters there are more lessons than we have time to write about. It is pregnant with meaning and practical instruction. There are many themes. But, one theme that stands out among them all is what happened to Israel and its leaders after success? As we read the cycle here we see that Israel would first fall into sin. Once in sin, God would bring a nation or people to oppress them. In oppression they would call out God. When God heard their cries of both repentance and for deliverance He would send a judge (hence the name of the book) to deliver them. Once delivered (their "success") they would eventually fall back into sin and repeat the entire cycle. They became efficient at calling out to God in their oppression. The excelled at following the judge God sent them. But, they failed terribly after they were delivered by God who once again gave them peace and security in their lives. They fell right back into sin. Success and safety do that for believers today, as well. When we don't immediately need God we think we can do it on our own. When we forget about how God has delivered us we think we have delivered ourselves. Time and time again God delivered them with the weakest of men and the lowest of resources. This was to show them how only God can deliver. Yet, once free from oppression they fell quickly back into self-rule and self-focused. Only God can deliver and only a focus on God can assure we can handle success and security in life. Don't forget how you became secure and don't forget to worship Him who keeps you secure and safe.

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