Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Desire for Power - Matthew 20-22

The human desire for power and prestige is very, very strong. In this section of Matthew we can see several stories and incidents where that power and desire raises its hoary head. When Jesus came onto the scene, the religious leaders of the day had cemented their rule over the people. They were proud, proud men who, based upon their traditions, would rule with rules and guidelines. Jesus was the servant and that was out of the range of the culture norm for leaders. Even the disciples had come to know (at least their mother did ... 20:20ff) that leaders and position meant power and prestige. Egos were in full form well before Freud came along. Jesus gives a simply example of what to do ... he who is least is greatest. That is the mantra of the believer. When we step aside and find a way to let others excel we do what Christ did. He stepped into death so we could step into life. He took on Himself the form of a servant (Philippians 2) so that we could take on the form of kings and priests. The leaders of the day could not see this. Nor will they see it today. Today we see stepping aside as a sign of weakness and not of strength. We see stepping aside and giving others the stage a sign of foolishness. Our society rewards the powerful. Just like in Christ's day. We are to follow Christ's example and not fall into the age old problem of power and prestige.

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