Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Wife Who Does Good to Her Husband - Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31:12 (NASBStr)

She does him good and not evil

All the days of her life.

Proverbs 31:12 (ESV)

She does him good, and not harm,

all the days of her life.

If you want to know if a wife is the women of Proverbs 31 you only have to look at how she treats her husband and how she builds their relationship.  In this chapter we have the description of the Godly Wife.   Solomon had over 700 wives.   That is great research data as to what a good wife looks like.   We see in this proverb that a Godly wife, from beginning to end, brings good to her husband and not evil.   We see character and consistency over time.  That might be a good description of a women of integrity.  Any women can do it before the wedding.  Any women can do it for the first year.   But what about during those tough times? What about during those times when he is unloveable?  When he doesn't take out the garbage or treat you with the respect you deserver or desire?   Remember, the character of a Godly women over time at its highest level is being described here.    She does him "no" evil "all" the days of her life.    The only way this is possible, of course, is to allow the Fruit of the Spirit to reign in your life as you allow the Spirit to lead your life.  Love covers a multiple of sin.  Love allows you to look past mistakes and flaws.   Love flowing through the Spirit, through the life of the believer, allows her to love him and do good all her days.   It allows him to only see good and not the evil that comes from being a human being.   The only way this is possible is if you’re  allowing the Son of God to reign in your life and live through your life through the Spirit of God.

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The Wife Who Does Good to Her Husband - Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31:12 (NASBStr) She does him good and not evil All the days of her life. Proverbs 31:12 (ESV) She does him good, and not harm,...